Monday, May 1, 2017

This last week I have been working on more embroidered toys.  I made some new ones pandas and frogs.  Sometimes when you create something new your vision doesn't turn out exactly as you would have liked

For example this pink panda....

This panda is better.

What I thought was nice for the ears on the pink one just didn't turn out the way I had hoped.

But I am sure it will get adopted at some point.

While making some toys this past few months, and some issues I have had, I made a joke to myself about the Island of Misfit Toys.  
So now I am actually going to start a section on my table for the "misfits". 
They need love and homes too.

I spent most of my weekend doing household chores, like cleaning and shopping, so a lot of crafting did not happen.  But I did cut out some cows, and worked on some smaller projects, like this little dino. 

Well I will be creating more plush toys this week, I have a craft fair in Moores, NY on Saturday.